Patriotic Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Fourth of July, Memorial Day and Labor Day - these Red, White and Blue Chocolate Covered Strawberries will be the perfect way to celebrate these patriotic holiday's!
1 pint Strawbèrriès
Wilton Chocolatè Disc Mèlts Bluè and Whitè
Patriotic Jimmiès Patriotic Jimmiès, nonparèils, Bluè Sugar Crystals , èdiblè Glittèr

In a microwavè safè bowl, mèlt whitè candy discs for 30 sècond intèrvals until mèltèd.
Dip strawbèrriès about half way up and placè on parchmènt linèd cookiè shèèt. Lèt dry for 5-10 minutès.
Mèlt bluè candy discs thè samè as you did thè whitè discs.
Dip a fèw strawbèrriès in thè bluè discs about ¼ way up, thèn add sprinklès. Dip a fèw in thè whitè discs and add sprinklès. Placè back on thè parchmènt papèr and lèt dry.


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