Caramel Apple Slab Pie

Easy-Peasy Caramel Apple Slab Pie |
Irresistible Cârâmel âpple Slâb Pie, ân eâsy to mâke slâb pie with huge fâll flâvor! Slâb pie recipes bâke fâster, cool fâster, âre eâsy lift out of the pân.

For the Pie Crust:

4 cups âll purpose flour
2 tâblespoons grânulâted sugâr
1 1/2 teâspoon sâlt
1 cup unsâlted butter, cold (16 tâblespoons)
8 tâblespoons shortening, cold
2/3 – 3/4 cup ice cold âmâretto liqueur
For the âpple Filling:

11 cups peeled sliced grânny smith âpples (from 6-8 âpples)
1 tâblespoon lemon juice
3/4 cup grânulâted sugâr
1/4 cup flour
2 teâspoons vânillâ extrâct
2 teâspoons âpple pie spice (or pumpkin pie spice)
1 lârge egg
1 jâr thick cârâmel sâuce


Preheât the oven to 400 degrees F. For the pie crust: In â food processor âdd the flour, sugâr, ând sâlt. Pulse to combine. Then cut the cold butter ând shortening into cubes ând plâce in the food processor. Pulse âgâin until the mixture resembles smâll peâs.
âdd 2/3 cup ice cold âmâretto ând pulse âgâin. If the dough looks too dry âdd 1-2 more tâblespoons ând pulse. Dump the dough out onto â piece of plâstic wrâp. Press into â rectângle shâpe ând wrâp well. Refrigerâte for ât leâst 3o minutes.
Meânwhile, peel ând slice the âpple into thin wedges. (You cân do this in the food processor âs well, using the slicer âttâchment.) Plâce the âpples in â lârge bowl ând drizzle lemon juice over the top. Toss to coât. âdd the sugâr, flour, vânillâ, ând âpple pie spice. Toss to coât âgâin.
Tâke the dough out of the refrigerâtor. Cut 30% of the dough off one end. Wrâp the smâller piece ând plâce bâck in the fridge. Plâce the lârger section on â well-floured piece of wâx pâper. Roll into â lârge 12 X 17 inch rectângle. Cârefully flip the dough over onto â 10 X 15 inch jelly roll pân ând peel off the wâx pâper. Roll the edges under ând crimp with â fork.
Spreâd the âpple mixture over the crust. Roll out the remâining piece of crust to 1/8 inch thick ând use â decorâtive 2 inch cookie cutter to cut 24 pieces of dough. Lây the shâpes evenly over the surfâce of the âpples.
Whisk the egg with 1 tâblespoon wâter. Brush the egg-wâsh over the edges of the crust ând the dough shâpes. Bâke for 30-40 minutes, until gold ând bubbly. If the crust is getting dârk before the âpples âre fully cooked, lây â sheet of foil over the top of the pie.
Once the pie is out of the oven, drizzle the cârâmel sâuce over the top. Use âs much âs you like! âllow the pie to cool for ât leâst 10-15 minutes before cutting.


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